Afro-pessimism & the End of Redemption

Mar. 30, 2016 by

The expanding field of Afro-pessimism theorises the structural relation between Blackness and Humanity as an irreconcilable encounter, an antagonism. One cannot know Blackness as distinct from slavery, for there is no Black temporality which is antecedent to the temporality of

Disaster Communism

Oct. 23, 2014 by

Climate change is already here, although the effects are unevenly distributed. Last winter saw a series of storms of record-breaking wind speeds, rainfall, and intensity hit the UK. California’s current drought has seen lakes disappear into parched earth. Giant craters have

Towards a Revolutionary Psychology

Mar. 13, 2014 by

On the Vicennial of the Zapatista Insurrection Neoliberalism, as is well known – and as Dardot and Laval’s (2009) La Nouvelle Raison du Monde makes more than clear – is not simply an economic system. It is a complex machine